Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Reached the blue azure

When the day's activities start and end by watching the sun rise and set, with a mix of firewood collection, meals, and a swim in between, life's pretty good indeed! We reached the end of the Gibb in Derby on 8 August and refueled at the pub before a stock up night in Broome where we then headed north up the coast to Quandong Point, aka by me, "beauty by the sea". Yes, we have reached the west coast and its beautiful blue waters! The azure colour against the straw fields and red dirt - AMAZING!

Bliss was interupted by nature's tragedy when one of the nearby campers drove up to ask if we had buckets and wanted to help out a beached whale. We swung into action throwing dirty laundry and collected wash water out of our two buckets to race down the beach's end to help out. Unfortunately we were too late and the hour that the beautiful giant had lasted on the shore was too much.

We had just been watching in amazement the pod of humpbacks breeching off the shore and this particular one steered, for whatever reason, too close to the shore. It was incredibly sad to see when I had hoped to be part of a grand rescue, but nature has its ways. We went back today to see what was left and it had rolled slighty but was still there less the chunks bitten out of it. Even as we stood on the shore, a shark came 1 metre from the beach trying to get a bite! Then we noticed a few more circling and having their turn. They were tiger sharks and big ones. One must have got in the way as it was also beached with both sides taken out of it - survival of the fittest and this dead shark was 2.5 metres!

I think we are getting what we have coined, "Treach Syndrome", when we sit too long in one place in deep relaxation. It ultimately makes us spring back in motion. The term came about after our stay in Treachery Beach near Seal Rocks. So it looks we'll head back to Broome for a water refill and maybe stay for Race Day if I can find a suitable hat and frock packed away (although not sure Matt brought a suit) then up to Cape Leveque. We have another couple weeks around this area till we fly back to the States for my birthday with the fam.

FOOD! What are we eating these days? Curry in our camp oven on the fire is a fav (last night was broccoli & chicken green curry) and for lunch, we whipped up two pizzas - ham & pineapple as well as salami, feta, & capsicum. We also used the lazy day to bake a banana bread from the frozen bananas we've had since QLD. YUM!

Friends along the way-  travelling is such a great way to meet wonderful people from all walks of life! For those that I've met since Darwin, unfortunately my phone cacked it so please contact me on Facebook - Tara Toohill.


  1. Hey Tara & Matt, we continue to follow your adventures with envy!Our Bonnie has not suffered as much as Albert though!We are reliving our time in Nth Western Aus with you & your photos, Love your postings. Jenny&Malcolm Northstar7 (Lawn Hill just incase you have forgotten your pre Darwin camper mates.)

    1. Could never forget another Northstar, let alone the couple that found our keys and saved us from homelessness! We are on way up to Cape Leveque tomorrow finally since its been booked out till now. More to come after that as we've been a bit stationary in Broome and its surrounds.

  2. Hey Guys, Emma sent me the link to your blog. It's great to see you both in pictures. The photo of the humpback is a bit tragic but the locations are something else.

    What an adventure!
