Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Caretaker for a day

After spending an appropriate full
moon at Moonlight Dam in the Homevale National Park, we took Pipeline Road through the hills to get to our next destination. At Moonlight Dam, we had the camp to ourselves except for the late night arrival of a couple guys pigging with their dogs. The boys gave us a tip for a great 4wd track through the mountains on the Pipeline Road. Our lunch that day was on top of a hill and was Matt's favourite spot thus far - views from mountain to mountain with the red dirt track winding through the valley.

Once over the track, we landed down a steep decline from Eungalla to our current home for the past four nights at the glorious Platypus Bushcamp in Finch Hatton. After a couple days we must have warmed to the owner, Wazza, as he asked us to look after the place while he went into Mackay for his monthly stock up.

With Rocky the cockatoo and Dog the dog as friends for the day, we settled in on our roles quite nicely. We even worked in a swim or two in the river to pass the time in this true Swiss Family Robinson style camp.

As for the platypus, we haven't spied one ourselves yet but we also haven't tried that hard after the heaps we saw at the Jenolan Caves waters.

We're here for another couple days then on to the Wintermoon Festival before continuing our journey north.

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