Friday, 1 March 2013

What a week

My first week unemployed but far from a lady of leisure! I've packed, moved, waited, learned about steel fabrication, watched naked boys dancing, and relished in the joys of our truck coming together. As I type, we are having the last touches done to the camper as it meets the truck - JOY! But I can tell you that I'll be glad to see the last of traffic on Princes Highway and Parramatta Road.

The custom box is done in the back seat to house the fridge/freezer and the recovery equipment which is all great! Oh, did I skim over that 'naked boys dancing' comment? Ha, yes, I took a night off to see some culture at the comedy club which was definitely full of laughs as it was as the name suggests - naked boys dancing and singing! Hilarious!!

OK, more on the truck later - I think they are nearly done and we need to learn how to work our happy jacks!

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